Ecstasy: Breathtaking Beauty of Nature
Exhibit Dates : January 9, 2021 – February 14, 2021
Reception : Saturday January 9th 1pm - 2:30pm (Join us on Zoom, Meeting ID827 9714160, passcode 047608)
Juror Statement
It must be acknowledged that if I had been able to see the original artworks, this "gathering of pieces" could quite possibly look very different. Each artwork has an energy, presence and voice that is uniquely distinctive and is lost, or transformed and changed, when translated through another medium.
It has been such a wonderful experience jurying this show. Not only because I found the work that was submitted diverse, competent and inspiring; it was also a reminder of how connected we all are through our individual exploration, our need for artistic expression and a desire for understanding our human experience. The natural world sustains us, inspires us, nourishes us and reprimands us when we are out of step. The individual interpretations of the theme of this show remind me that each of us have a unique place and perspective in this world and In this unusual time. Thank you all for your inspired efforts and energy to put into physical form and share with others, your expressions of creativity as it relates to this theme. I was impressed by the variety of media, application, techiques, creative vision and competence in putting into the world, your vision and your passion. Well done.
Concerning artwork and juried shows.
As a professional artist active in the fine arts field for more than 30 years, I must acknowledge that every juror is an individual with their own subjective point of view. Each juror would coordinate a different set of pieces for each show. My choices for this show are not a judgment or statement about the validity of your personal artistic journey. It took me several years to understand this very important point. Every person that has spent the time to create something and enter it into a show, has exposed themselves to the possibility of what may feel like a rejection. A juror must take many things into consideration when accepting artwork into a specific show. If you find that you are not among the artists that have been selected to be a part of any particular show, take heart and know that on another day with another juror with different guidelines, your very same piece of art could in fact earn a blue ribbon. Trust yourself and know that your journey matters and your artistic endeavors are very important to the world in which you live. The world is a better place because you are in it and because you are creating.
Carol Peek
December 2020