Member Page

Thank you for being a member!

Your membership helps to support our mission of cultivating creativity and inspiring appreciation for the transformative power of art.

Membership Updates:

  • Memberships are no longer maintained by clicking “login” on the upper corner of this page. To manage your membership, login to our Membership Manager Class registrations are still available to view using the login button.

  • Upgrade your membership today! If you are at an individual level, please consider stepping up to our monthly support levels that start at just $10/month. This small step has a big impact! For assistance please email us!

  • Fall 2024: We finally have all our members moved to our new membership system! Ideally you won’t notice a thing until your renewal date, and then you will receive an email with your log in. Thank you for bearing with us during this process. This change allows us to streamline our process for so many things including getting out membership cards, updating addresses and renewing memberships. There may still be bumps, but we are pleased so far with the transition!

For inquiries about your membership, membership benefits or to change your billing or mailing information email 

282 S. High Street, Sebastopol, CA 95472 (map)
(707) 829-4797 x1017