Black/White and Shades of Gray
Exhibit dates June 19 – July 25
In Person Exhibition
Exhibition opens online June 19th. In person gallery reveal is at the Grand Opening of the Center, Wednesday June 23rd 5-7pm. After that gallery is open Thurs - Sun, 10-4.
International, juried exhibition showcasing work in the powerful and creative contrast of black and white tones and/or including complex and subtle shades of gray (no color). Juror Harry Frank.
Best of Show: Tomoko Murakami “Tsukanoma 1 (Transience)”
Second: Spence Snyder “Pressure 2”
Third: Joyce Sakato Rau “ Pondering the Meaning of …”
Merit Award: Rachel Binah “Tsunami w/ Cherry Blossoms”
Additionally. See a life size whale drawing "Or, The Whale" by Jos Sances on display in the auditorium. The whale exhibit is a 52 foot x 14 foot scratchboard drawing on 119 panels, and was inspired by Moby Dick and the history of whaling in America. Click here for more information.