Smart Ways to Give Before The Year Ends
Would you like to finish this year with a gift that maximizes your impact and reduces your taxes? Consider the smart options below.
Make an Immediate Difference
When you support our mission by simply writing a check, you make great things happen and may receive a federal income tax charitable deduction. If you itemize, you can write off the amount you’re donating, resulting in lower taxable income. Unsure of whether your gift is tax-deductible? Contact your financial advisor or tax consultant.
Did you know? Your envelope must be postmarked on or before Dec. 31 for your donation to qualify this year.
Use Appreciated Securities
By donating appreciated securities that you have owned for longer than one year, you receive the same income tax savings as you would by making a gift of cash. You also eliminate any tax on the appreciation.
Did you know? If the securities are electronically transferred to us, the gift date is the day the securities enter our account—not the date you ask your broker to make the transfer.
Save Big on Taxes With Gift of Stock
If you own stock that has increased in value (and you’ve owned it for at least one year), you have a special opportunity. When you donate the shares, you receive the same tax savings that you would if you wrote us a check, but with the added benefit of eliminating capital gains taxes.
Supporting our mission through a gift of securities is as easy as instructing your broker to transfer the shares. Even with recent swings in the financial markets, you may still have appreciated stock in your portfolio that could be used to make a difference at The Sebastopol Center for the Arts.
How a Gift of Stock Works
$25,000 today’s stock value; $10,000 stock purchase price
Selling the stocks:
$2,250: Capital gains tax owed ($15,000 x .15 capital gains tax rate)
Donating the stocks to SebArts:
$25,000: Income tax charitable deduction
$0: Capital gains tax
A Long-Term Option
If you aren’t ready to give up your stocks during your lifetime, you can designate them as a gift in your will or living trust. You’ll have the flexibility to change your mind at any time, plus you can continue to receive dividends and participate in shareholder votes.
Make a Gift From Your IRA
If you are 70½ or older, you can give any amount up to $100,000 from your IRA directly to SebArts. (Note: This amount will be higher in subsequent years to adjust for inflation.) You will not pay income taxes on the transfer. If you are required to take minimum distributions, you can use your gift to satisfy all or part of your obligation. Your IRA administrator must remove the funds from your account by Dec. 31 for your donation to qualify this year.
Did you know? If you have check-writing features on your IRA, your check must clear your account by Dec. 31 to count toward your required minimum distribution for the calendar year.
Create a Legacy Gift
Planning for the future and creating the legacy you wish to leave is one of the most effective ways to ensure a lasting impact. Making a gift in your will or living trust, known as a bequest, can guarantee that your legacy endures. Your gift may be a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or the remainder after all other provisions are specified.
We can help clarify and document the steps to donate stocks or an IRA to our organization. Simply contact Laura Barber at 707.829.4797 x1005 or lbarber@sebarts.org to see how this gift can be a win-win.
SebArts is a tax-exempt nonprofit 501c3 organization. Tax ID EIN. 68-0168638